Friday, March 5, 2010

VSL Hotline: Why Commodore Fans Should Fear an NBA Lock-Out, Edition

This nugget from the Louisville Courier-Journal that appeared in's Truth & Rumors Section noting that, with an NBA lock-out impending, Kentucky's much vaunted freshmen (and junior Patrick Patterson) all thought to be a lock to turn pro, might stay. Coach S.A.T. said: "With this (NBA) lockout looming, maybe they all come back." I for one, certainly hope not.

The Tennessean's Vanderbilt writer, Jeff Lockridge, has two pieces worth a gander in the Vanderbilt Insider. The first deals with Coach Stallings' thoughts on Jermaine Beal playing his last game at Memorial and some other thoughts, with the second stating that sophomore swingman Lance Goulbourne will miss Saturday's game with a foot injury.'s Stewart Mandel's Power Rankings has the Commodores as the 12th best team in America right now. I think his observations about Vanderbilt are basically right, I would only quibble with New Mexico appearing 5th in his rankings.

ESPN's resident Bracketologist Joe Lunardi has the Commodores currently slated as a #3 seed in the South region with #1 Syracuse, #2 Duke, and #4 Temple. Vanderbilt would open up in New Orleanes against Weber State (a team that beat #3 UNC as a #14 seed in 1999), and the winner of #11 Notre Dame and #6 Texas A&M. As Douglas James said yesterday, I would take this draw in a heartbeat. I don't think Duke is that good, the Aggies are the probably the weakest #6 seed in Lunardi's draw (Baylor being a close second). I think Vanderbilt, absent losing their next 2, is going to be a 3 seed, and I firmly believe a 2 seed is a possibility if they can get to the SEC Tournament finals, especially if New Mexico, Purdue, or Villanova get bounced in their conference tournaments. Based on Lunardi's bracket, I think the #3 seed in the best position to move up to the #2 line is Ohio State, although I would say that whoever advances to the Big East Championship Game is almost guaranteed no worse than a #2 seed.

South Carolina preview will be posted later today, MPRE preparation willing.


Douglas James said...

No way those freshman stick around. Rumors on say that Cousins is not even attending class anymore. Also looks at the next quote from Calapari after he said that "Ha". That sounds about right. They are all gone, Patterson, Wall and Cousins. Maybe Beldsoe too.

Always Wanted to Play Piano said...

Calipari HAS to say that, otherwise he can't maintain his pipeline of lottery pick prospects.The recruiting model breaks down if incoming Blue-chippers have to compete for playing time.

Vandy-Montana said...

First of all, Weber is not going to win the Big Sky Conference as Montana will come from the 4th seed and take it. If, for some reason, we play Montana, I will root for Vandy, but if they every meet on the gridiron, I'm a Griz all the way.

2nd, I wouldn't worry about the Frosh not leaving. They will not be in Wildkitty uniforms next year.

Anonymous said...

The Big Sky champ as a 14-seed would be a neat callback to '93. That was the last time Vandy was a #3 seed, and they beat Boise St. (then a Big Sky member) in the 1st round.

Now bring on Temple in the Elite Eight so we can exorcise those demons too.

Unknown said...

No excuse. The M.P.R.E. is a J.O.K.E.

VandyGold28 said...

ummmm, has anyone else seen this? wow....
(take a close look at the final four projection)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this year's draw will be crazy. If I see us as a 4 in a region with Kansas, I'm going to punch my tv.