Wednesday, October 22, 2008

VSL Goes National

I appeared on the CBF Weeekly's podcast Monday to talk about the recent success (despite losing our last two) of the Commodores. These guys do a great show, and VSL really appreciated them asking us to be on. You can subscribe to their podcast via iTunes, or can listen directly from the site. If nothing else, listen to my segment to tell me how badly I suck.

As Staminal said, VSL's been a little quiet lately. It's not because we're disappointed or losing faith in the Commodores (far from it). Rather, we're all law students and starting to get busy. If you want to read more , the best way to do it is offer (or find) us well-paying summer associate jobs that will lead to employment after graduation. If you can't do that, then you'll just have to bear with us.

I'm working on a Duke preview that is also scheduled to appear on later this week.

Game 1 of the World Series tonight...will we see Price?

1 comment:

Stanimal said...

Great interview Bobby, very impressive.