Commie legend Corey Smith is entering his second year as a member of the Harlem Globetrotters. If you don't think that's cool, then you're just not paying attention. Big ups to Chad for continuing to get the stories that fall threw the cracks.
Special thanks to the anonymous grammarian
Cool, great find!
The only other Globetrotter whose name I'd recognize is Eugene Edgerson, quite a remarkable guy who played at Arizona and took a year off (against the wishes of the UA coaches) to student-teach. Wish he'd gone to Peabody, although I can't blame anyone for not wanting to play for VBK.
phillipvu94 should go on American Idol and croon a Tony Bennett song.
The streak continues. Welcome back anonymous.
"...then your just not paying attention."
Who's not paying attention to grammar? Was that written by the UT football player that gave us the legend of Madommon?
Seriously, though, keep up the good work.
Clearly you're not "paying attention to grammar" (whoever you are).
Anonymous - If you're going to call someone out on their grammar, make sure you first know what the word "grammar" means. He misspelled the word "you're", which is a spelling mistake (and by the way, who cares?), not a grammar mistake. But, then again, I guess someone who would post random comments like yours, thinking they're funny, couldn't have passed third grade anyway.
Sweet contribution.
So using the wrong form your/you're isn't a grammar error? He didn't misspell a word; instead, he used the wrong form of the word.
Anyway, it was just a joke (made obvious with the Maddomon reference).
Joke acknowledged - don't dish it out if you can't take it.
I left my heart in Sacramentooooooooooo....
Is that godores2005 betraying hisself with the Madommon reference? Hmmm, I think he knows how to spell my first name, though.
I guess I must have missed the Corey Smith story when he joined, because it appeared people on VS were already well aware of the fact. Oh well, thanks for posting it since it was news to me.
I definitely don't want to hear you sing Tony Bennett or anyone else. Who's this Madommon anyway? Is she the one that steals African babies?
I am the one and only REAL anonymous. Ignore the imposters.
from ESPN.com several years ago regarding Linda Bensel-Meyers blowing the whistle on barely literate ut jocks:
For instance, one starter on the football team turned in a polished paper on the topic of Madonna, the pop icon. When a skeptical teacher asked him to summarize the paper in class, a tactic used to root out plagiarism, the following is what the player wrote on a sheet of lined paper:
"I have learn a lot of the things about Madommon thought her videos, hearing to her music and Magizines Articiles people wrote about her. Both in positives and negivites ways. They should not be a double standard for men and women. Because if they are double videos, they could be Double standard everywhere."
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