Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hoser of the Week Nominations

Accepting your nominations, now...


Sol Blake said...
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Sol Blake said...

I nominate ESPN/USA Today Coaches Poll for Hoser of the Year.

...and for the week, an early nomination for Al Gore for this:


Stanimal said...

Tough call to find a hoser in the sports world thus far. Still plenty of time left to go for the week. However, I read a story on CNN that I feel is MORE than worthy of a hoser nomination.

A woman in Tacoma, WA recently plead guilty to conspiracy to defraud the government and social security fraud. Why you may ask? Rosie Costello began coaching her daughter and son at the ages of 4 and 8 respectively to act as though they were mentally handicapped. The mother apparently taught the children to act as though they had a case of retardation in order to receive social security benefits totalling up to $280,000. Ladies and gentlemen the children in question are not currently 4 and 8, they are currently 22 and 26. For 18 years they have kept up this act at her behest, starting in the mid-1980s.

This has to be one of the worst cases of social security fraud in US History, not fiscally, but morally, and for your terrible parenting Rosie Costello, you are a tremendous HOSER!

P.S. The link for the article is below:

Douglas James said...

Stan is prob right but I would like to make the whole ESPN family of networks this weeks winner. I used to love ESPN but now have to sit through "Dancing w/ the Stars" promos or top 10 countdowns that are based off Jim Caarey's new movie "23". This stuff has nothing to do with sports and although i love Disney World, they are ruining my sporting experience

Woody said...

Dick Vitale:


Seamus O'Toole said...

The Dickie V thing is pretty hoseresque. You don't blabber off-the-record stuff to your friends at a restaurant. Since he was caught purely by chance, it makes you wonder how much of a habit he makes of revealing sources.

Did anyone ever nominate Bowling Green coach Dan Dakich? This guy's inability to get his team back on the court, resulting in a technical foul for delay of game, and subsequent remark that "they [the MAC referees] f***ing cheated us" are utterly hosehoundish. If he didn't get nominated last week or the week before we dropped the ball.

Stanimal said...

Wow Dickie V, wow.

Boyer in the District said...

Shaquille O'Neal - for saying the MVP award is "tainted."


Unknown said...

I have to hand this one to Dickie V. I mean for someone in his shoes, with the amount of experience he has, this is something that should never happen.

Bobby O'Shea said...

I am nominating CBS Sportsline Columnist Clay Travis for his crack about Vanderbilt.

Travis, when discussing places for Pacman Jones to rehabilitate his image suggested:

7. Vanderbilt undergraduate classroom: Students would be like, "Who's this clown throwing around dollar bills? And who's going to be willing to bend over and pick up a dollar? Oh god, those dollars better not get my Uggs dirty."

His column can be found at:

What a Hoser.

J.B., M.D. said...



Bobby O'Shea said...

Anyone who brings politics into the blog is a HUGE HOSER