Monday, July 25, 2011

Welcome to "Changing the Culture" Week

This week is profiling the various things CJF has been doing to "change the culture" of the football program since his arrival.  I don't think any fan would dispute that the culture-change is something to be warmly welcomed.  But as long as we're hyping facilities upgrades and gameday experience gimmicks, it's worth taking a moment to appreciate one of the most noticeable -- and appealing -- aspects of the new culture: engagement with the fan base.

The website's week-long profile, replete with photos and video clips, is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.  It's one thing to get buy-in from your players, it's another to get buy-in from fans who have spent years, if not decades, training themselves to suppress enthusiasm and temper expectations for fear of the seemingly inevitable dashed hopes that lie in wait.  Unlike some of his predecessors, Franklin doesn't appear to be content to confine his salesmanship to the halls of McGugin.  Count me impressed.

Part I: New locker room design...

Vanderbilt Locker Room - Before & After from Advent on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the video. I work with the firm that revamped the locker room. We're proud of it too. Coach Franklin looks like he'll be continuing to reach out and make sure the fans know he means business.