Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bobby O'Shea Live from the 2010 Black & Gold Game

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Good turnout from the Commodore faithful, although I'm chapped the concession stands don't take credit cards. Don't they know who I am?


Anonymous said...

The offense was in a word - pathetic.

Why would the concession stand take plastic? They never have in the past or at Memorial Gym either. You must be from the "american idol" generation or something.

Bobby O'Shea said...

1 for 3 Anonymous:

1 point for the offensive summary

0 points for being wrong re: the concession stands taking plastic; I bought hot dogs and nachos at the baseball game, from a concession stand in Memorial, last night.

0 points for mentioning American Idol. That's played

Anonymous said...

0 points for O'Shea

Baseball games are not played inside Memorial Gym. Duh!!!!!

Bobby O'Shea said...

But the outfield concession stands are. You mess with the bull, you get the horns

Anonymous said...

You watch too many gay 80's flicks, you start spouting lines from them.