Saturday, February 27, 2010

Arkansas Post-Game Thoughts

Vanderbilt dominated the Razorbacks in Fayetteville 89-72 to lift their SEC record to 11-3 overall and 5-2 on the road. Taking your thoughts on the win...NOW


Drubaru said...

Finally put two halves of basketball together. Finally played above our competition. Finally won in Arkansas. Great game.

christine said...

We couldn't have asked for anything better from our bench. Great play from everyone, but the bench especially!

J.B., M.D. said...

Destroyed them. That felt good.

Alex said...

Glad to see Jenkins starting. Does he start every game for the rest of his career?

Douglas James said...

That was the best jenkins has looked all season. He didn't just sit there waiting to shoot 3's. Solid minutes from McClellan also. Most complete game since UT. Wish we could rebound better though

Anonymous said...

Jenkins was great. Looked much more aggressive and confident. Taylor and AJ did awesome in first half. DMC was the second half mvp lol go DMC!!

David Rutz said...

10th time in 14 SEC games Vandy's had at least four players in double figures (9-1 when that happens). That's some kind of balance.

Also, nice to see Beal get some rest while Vandy was playing with a big lead. He had to be tired after playing 39 minutes against Georgia, and he needs to have fresh legs for March.

Anonymous said...

UGA beats Florida! Need 1 more win to clinch the bye.

Andrew Smith said...

Only a couple complaints about today, but they're both serious.

1. This team really needs to learn to rebound consistently. They've shown they can do it when they make it a point of focus before a game, but the instant the coaches focus on something else, they forget about rebounding. This is particularly frustrating given that this team is both big and athletic. (I haven't looked at the numbers for this game. They may not look so bad because Vandy shot such a high percentage. But they did not rebound well.)

2. This team, when caught out of position, happily gives up easy layups rather than making hard fouls and forcing teams to earn everything at the free throw lines. No team should ever let an opposing team's big men shoot 10-13 in a half. 3-5 with 12 trips to the line is much better. That said, we have to stop giving up the meaningless hand-check fouls so we have real fouls to give. I have preached this sermon before, but it bears repeating: fouls are not things to be avoided; they're a valuable asset to be used wisely, like the bullets in an old revolver. You want to use each one to do maximum damage to your opponent, while making sure you have at a couple left while your opponent is still alive.

Anonymous said...

Here's one other complaint:

Festus: 8 min, 4 fouls... wtf?

Good thing we already held such a 'size'-able advantage.

Andrew Smith said...

And none of them the sort of good foul I'm talking about.

Chuck Heston said...

Couple of points:

1. Vandy's RPI is 12.

2. UK at UGA on Wed. will be HUGE.

3. SEC will have 6 teams in the NCAA Tournament: KY, Vandy, TN, FL, Miss State, Ole Miss.

4. At the risk of jinxing the team, let's assume that Vandy beats FL and UK loses to UGA. The last regular season game b/w FL and UK will have FL fighting to keep on the right side of the bubble and UK on a 2 game skid.

Poor Form said...

Poor form VSL. Seamus's decision to personalize and directly attack me over conflicting opinions was in bad taste and his later decision to block and censor my comments is both embarrassing and disappointing. You will no doubt delete this post since opinions contrary to that of the VSL board are apparently outlawed, but you should rethink what the point of this blog is then. I am a Vandy fan first and fore most, part of the fun of college sports is debates and comparisons. Seamus completely over reacted to an overtly and intentionally over the top reaction on my part to the comparison between Beal and Shan (which was also obvious over the top hyperbole) and then personalized my defense against his attacks. While I strongly and loudly defend my positions I have not attacked anyone nor called anyone a "retard" though if that is such a hot button I wonder why no offense has been taken the numerous times I've been actually called a "retard." My word choice might have been poor but was in no way warranting of that reaction. And of course I cherry picked my stats, which is why stats suck, but saying "in SEC play" is also cherry picking stats, so while you are having a vocabulary analysis try looking up hypocrisy. All in all your choice to publicly attack loyal followers and censor commentary from actual fans lessens the quality and integrity of this site. Poor form.

Anonymous said...

can't we all just get along? group hug please...

Anonymous said...

Good road win. (but the west side of the league is just not that great this year)

And american idol STILL sucks.

Seamus O'Toole said...

Colin/Poor Form/Predicament,

I'm getting exhausted with your comments, so as much fun as this has been I think I'll have to make this my last response to you for a while. Kind of busy here. We do pride ourselves on interacting with readers though, so in reply to your Saturday-night-at-11:30pm comment (ouch), here you go:

First off, you're right, the world is out to get you. There is a vast VSL conspiracy to censor your comments. Reality check: every commenter on the live-blogs is moderated. Cry me an entire river for being treated just like everyone else. Although it's worth mentioning that if I did want to censor you (and knew how to do it), I would be 100% justified given your use of a term -- at least twice now -- that I find offensive.

As for cherry-picking stats: You chose two bad games to say Beal sucks; in response, I expanded the universe of comparison to 13 games to show you how bush-league that comment was. If that was "hypocritical," I suppose you'd like for me to expand the universe to the entire season. Fine, here goes: he shoots 38% from 3-point range (3 whole percentage points off the 41% he shot in SEC play!!!). He is still the second-best 3-pt shooter on the team (best in the starting rotation by a long shot). He still has hit more threes than anyone else and is among the league leaders. It's fine that your agenda is misguided, but let's not call it "personal."

Next issue: "poor form." Now that's an interesting thing to accuse me of. I suppose your own approach, which has most recently manifested itself as a series of fabrications about things I've said and done, must be far more virtuous. I tip my hat to you, my moral superior.

Based on what I can tell about you from your comments on this blog, I do not expect to receive an apology. Nor do I care enough to want one. But since you seem to be so taken with proper "form," I just figured I'd let you know that that would be the appropriate move at this point. Actually, in lieu of that, let's just follow Anonymous's suggestion and do that group hug. XOXO!

Andrew VU '04 said...

Anonymous suggested a group hug. Your "XOXO" suggests group hugs and kisses. I do not want to engage in such activities because, in the very least, I would have to grow a moustache.

I do not look good with a moustache.

Poor form.

Unknown said...

Seamie, you have to admit that in your moderating of the blog, you did not allow any of "his name shall never be mentioned's" comments through, despite them being just as relevant as the dribble that the guy posing to be everyone was posting. My uncle once told me, "With great power, comes great responsibility." I'm not in law school, but it ad hominem tu quoque comes to mind. Yes, I wiki'd that..

Anonymous said...

The people that run this blog, whoever they are, have every right to do whatever the hell they feel like doing.

Anyone who feels like they are being treated unfairly should read another blog, and get a life.

There is no "presumed-right-of-the-jackass" to have his worthless opinion heard. This web site is a form of entertainment, as much as Fox News, CNN, or the music video of Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" that I found last night (and can't stop watching (over and over again)).

I for one hope that the powers that be moderate THIS comment, because it has wasted your time. If it gets through, well, then so be it. Go Dores.

Anonymous said...

seamus and poor form sucks! Beal has carried this team MOST of the year!TALK ABOUT THE OTHERS WHO SHOW EVERY NOW AND THEN

Anonymous said...

oSHEA sEAMUS sTANIMAL and others have been detrimental in your criticism of JB.This page should be terminated and you left with your insensitive comments which are horrible, none constructive and meant to take away his great job performance as a pg at vu. You're a bunch of hecklers who are with you only when it suits them. You are not true fans.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

what are we going to be ranked tomorrow? if we can beat florida and south carolina, and make a strong showing in the SEC tourny, then the door for a 2 seed may be open. yes? no? go beal! go tinsley! go seamus! go basketball!

Stanimal said...

That's an interesting point Cat. I wonder, if we finish out the regular season without losing, if we may be able to sneak into that 2 seed spot. I originally thought that it would take us winning the SEC Championship to pull it off, but now I wonder if getting the game would be enough. Our resume is pretty solid and is getting better week to week.

Bobby O'Shea said...

Seth Davis' AP ballot has Vanderbilt #8 which tells me that a 2 seed is not outside the realm of possibility, even if it is somewhat pie-in-the-sky

Unknown said...

Bobby, Davis voted Vandy #12 (which obviously still ain't bad):

macpfled said...

Is anybody else terrified of playing Georgia in our first game of the SEC tournament? Leslie and Thompkins may be better than any two of our players, and that is saying a lot.

Anonymous said...

Better hope that South Carolina loses out and Georgia gets a win at LSU. Or that Arkansas finishes third in the west and beats Georgia.

Anonymous said...

this must be anonymous'life with all the foul language.