Just a heads up, Duke point guard Elliot Williams is transferring closer to Memphis to be closer to his mother who is sick, Vandy is close enough to be able to get a waver so he could play next year. He'd start at Memphis right away and there is just no need for anyone to transfer to Ole Miss, but nabbign him could be quite helpful for us next year.
Thanks Steve. If Vanderbilt is going to make this happen, they'll need to do it soon. I'm not sure where the team is on scholarships right now, and they seem to be in pretty decent shape regarding the point guard position. Still, I'm not 100% convinced that Brad isn't a hybrid 1-2 guard. What do y'all think?
Football previews are coming out soon, which means we can start another year complaining about how underrated we are!
Not to be negative but I just don't see it happening. A 3 hour drive is still pretty far from home. Plus why transfer to a school with a Senior starting PG, a sophmore combo guard who had a great freshman year, a stud freshman SG and a solid PG recruit. I expect him to end up under an hour from his families home. Hope everything works out for him and his family though.
I pretty much agree with your take, but one can hope. Academically Vandy is a closer fit to Duke than any other school in TN and Nashville to Memphis is an easy drive.
Isn't Memphis under investigation for Calipari's shady deals still? Are they going to be eligible for the post season?
There's also a question of contention. I'm not saying we're even CLOSE to comparing ourselves to the success to Memphis, but Stallings certainly has an argument that Memphis is on a downswing (Cal's one and done's leaving for the NBA and his incoming one and done's following him to Kentucky), and we're on the upswing (lots of talent, chance to really contend).
It all depends on what the guy wants. But you don't go to Duke over Memphis unless you want something more than just basketball.
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