What a roller coaster of a weekend for Vanderbilt baseball. After losing a heart breaker on Saturday night (or Sunday morning), Vanderbilt had to win two games with their backs against the wall. And as this team has done time and time again, they came through. Because of Vanderbilt's efforts, they have forced a decisive championship game to determine the winner of the Nashville Regional for a shot in the Super-Regional to be played later this week. Mo Patton recaps yesterday's action in today's Tennessean. Brett Hait's "One for All" headline in today's City Paper gets you prepared for tonight's game. Deservedly so, both Mo and Brett highlight the play of the bullpen yesterday. Patton highlight's Ty Davis' dominating performance in last night's game against Austin Peay, while Hait takes out his "wide-angle lens" and looks at how tonight's game will be a "battle of the pens." Will Matthews also has a column on VUCommodores.com praising the play of the bullpen.
Tonight's game starts at 6 central, 7 eastern, and unfortunately, won't be televised outside Dixie. Fear not Commodore fans, you can spend another evening with the Live Stats and Joe Fisher by clicking here. Note to Mac users, if you are having trouble getting the audio to load from VUCommodores.com, go to WNSR.com and click on "Listen Live." It remains to be seen whether I will be live-blogging the game, but I am sure I will have something to say as the game unfolds.
According to Hait's article in the City Paper, Vanderbilt will send junior Tyler Roden to the mound, whose only start (and win) of the season came against Arkansas last weekend in the SEC Championships. Michigan will start 6-8 junior Chris Fetters. Fetters was 6-3 in 2007 with an ERA of 4.71. Chris led the Big Ten in 2006 with an ERA of 2.22.
Rollbamaroll.com is starting their SEC preview this week, and first under the microscope are our beloved Commies. Seamus, Stanimal and myself will be answering questions posed by Rollbamaroll on Friday. Here's their "Cursory Glance at Vandy."

I thought last night's Sopranos was fantastic, although I am concerned that they won't be able to tie up all the loose ends that are outstanding. It was a blood-bath last night with Bobby Bacala getting offed in a train story and Slivio (Little Stevie van Zandt) getting gunned down outside The Bing. It is not clear whether he's going to make it, although someone told Tony that it wasn't clear whether he would regain consciousness. Tony might as well be alone. Dr. Melfi gave him the boot, AJ is utterly useless, and Paulie is a moron. I did love the fantastic homage to The Godfather (Douglas James, you need to see this movie ASAP) with Tony ending last night's episode, sitting on a mattress having clearly "gone to the mattresses" now that he and Phil Leatardo are clearly at war with one another. (For those of you who haven't seen The Godfather, this reference was also made in You've Got Mail). It's a shame this show is ending, it is absolutely great. The good news is, we still have Entourage, and starting next Monday, Big Love is back!
Last night's Entourage was good, but what I liked best about it, is the wheels that were set in motion last night for the rest of the summer season. Besides a few scenes of Aquaman, we've never seen Vince "make" a movie. With their new project on the life of Pablo Escobar, Vince and E, with the deranged Billy Walsh directing, are headed to Columbia to shoot. It looks like this arc is going to be fantastic.
My deep friend has some more shallow thoughts that are, as usually, hillarious.
That's all for now, we'll be here all day and want to know what you think about Billy Donovan potentially heading back to Gainesville and Vanderbilt's chances tonight against Michigan.
Hoser of the week: Gary Sheffield for theory on why there are declining numbers of African Americans in MLB.
Hoser of the week:
Mr. Speaker for exposing people on two continents to a potentially deadly strain of TB.
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