Here are my personal favorites:
1. A female GOP staffer observed that her liberal-leaning colleagues have begun dressing differently since November — but she's still not impressed.
"Democrats have definitely changed their wardrobe," she said. "It seems they've upgraded from mock-turtlenecks and sport coats to black dress shirts with monochromatic Regis Philbin-style ties."
But she indicated that it would be hard for her to find a Democrat attractive. "Unfortunately, [creating a new wardrobe] is a futile endeavor," the aide said. "Nothing can make a Democrat more attractive to a well-bred, pearl-donning Republican lady."
2. "Dems are very in right now, but there's only so much party affiliation can do for a guy who drives a Prius," said Cutler, who is visiting Manhattan this week for her birthday and still has no job. Toyota's hybrid model, Cutler says, is hardly the sex-mobile.
3. "I am sooooo not into Dem guys even though I am a Dem," the aide wrote in an e-mail. "Republican boys are generally more attractive, sharper dressers and throw better parties."
The fact that this has illicted no comments is, frankly, shocking.
"The Big Guy" has been absent for some time, and he's our resident gung-ho republican.
I'm surpised the Smith Point list was not mentioned in this article...
I think this line says it all...... “Republican boys are generally more attractive, sharper dressers and throw better parties.”
So take that Bobby! Take that!
"Generally", MasonFan, "generally."
If I've got a "a well-bred, pearl-donning Republican lady," I must be the exception to the quoted aide's rule.
nothing is more attractive being born on third base and going through life thinking you've hit a triple.
Nice analogy mccostlin. I guess the reverse is being stuck at the plate and only relying on someone to walk you because you think they owe it to you.
It's crap like this that makes me love fly-over country.
Only one thing sucks more than american idol and that is the incompetent greedy rethugnican party.
They are beyond a disgrace to this nation.
I can't fathom it is even the same party Eisenhower was part of when he made his speech warning about the greed of what he called the "military-inductrial complex."
You mean military industrial, of course.
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