As many of your many have noticed, there is a new addition to VSL on the right side of your page. We recently posted a banner ad link to the National Commodore Club, the booster club of Vanderbilt athletics. Cal Cook, Associate Director at the NCC sent us the letter below, and we hope our readers would consider supporting Vanderbilt athletics financially. As you see from Cal's letter, the NCC 2020 Society is a great, relatively inexpensive way for young Commie fans to support their teams (minimum contribution of $100). The benefits of membership are outlined below, and while many of the "perks" are limited to those in the Nashville area, I know Cal would encourage anyone how has any ideas about ways for the NCC to do "out-of-town" events to let him know. Read the letter and consider supporting the NCC. If you do decide to support the NCC, please make a note that you are a Vanderbilt Sports Line reader.
Greetings from the National Commodore Club!
It’s an exciting time of year for Commodore fans! With our Women’s Basketball team winning the SEC Championship, our Men’s Basketball team going to the Sweet 16, and the top baseball team in the country…it’s “GREAT to be GOLD!”
Hopefully, you have heard about the 2020 Advisory Committee. The 2020 Advisory Committee is a group of Vanderbilt University young alumni that have a common goal of increasing young membership in the National Commodore Club and promoting VU Athletics. Recently, the committee created the 2020 Society to help increase membership to the NCC. The 2020 Society is comprised of members of the National Commodore Club, age 40 and under, who give a minimum annual contribution of $100.00. Basically, if you contribute to the NCC ($100+) and are under the age of 41 you would automatically fall in the 2020 Society. FYI: Spouses/significant others are included in one “household” membership.
Some of the benefits of the 2020 Society are:
Invitations for exclusive National Commodore Club member events, including:
o Vandyville Football Tailgates (2020 tent)
o Pre-game basketball events
o Pre-game baseball events
o Other special events with Vanderbilt Administration and Coaches
All National Commodore Club benefits associated with your giving level
You are probably receiving this announcement because you attended one of our Vandyville tailgates in the past. Just know that next year the only way to receive invitations to the tailgates (or other events) is to be a member of the National Commodore Club.
SAVE THE DATE…April 20th! Before the Friday night game of the UT baseball series we are hosting a member’s only...Membership Drive Party on the Memorial Gym Plaza (centerfield area of Hawkins Field). If you are not a current member of the NCC and would like to be…this is a perfect night to sign up. Let me know if you are going to so I can reply back and send you the RSVP link. Even if you are not for sure when you made your last gift…I can look that up too. Remember, our fiscal year is from June 30, 2006 to May 31, 2007.
We truly appreciate your support of Vanderbilt Student-Athletes!
All the best,
Cal Cook
Associate Director
National Commodore Club
2601 Jess Neely Drive
Nashville, TN 37212
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Bowling is a sport because there is a such thing as "sport bowling". the pba tour is an example of bowling being a competitive sport and says that any activity is a sport if it has a pro tour with real people. www.bowl.com is a GREAT example of this being a sport
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