With National Signing Day less than 36 hours away, Coach James Franklin took a break from recruiting to enlist the help of Vanderbilt's Greek community. Chris McDonald of the the
Vanderbilt Hustler has the story. While I'm sure this move will be derided by observers as "small time" or "kitchy," I think its a very astute move from Coach Franklin. One of the most important things for Coach Franklin and Vanderbilt football is getting active community support. No where is that more important than from the students. At a school like Vanderbilt, one of the best sources of support can come from the Greeks. This shows me CJF will leave no stone unturned when it comes to getting Vanderbilt football on the right strike.

Someone get CJF a Natty Light.
I actually love this move. As much as I despise and hate him, the one thing Bruce Pearl does as well as anyone is get the student body behind his team. One thing Bobby Johnson did not do was get students excited about the game/team. CJF knows that the best way to create an exciting and more importantly marketable football program is to have a student body who really is excited about actually going to games and getting excited about the program. Players want to go to a school where they feel like their classmates are behind them. That's one of the things that makes Memorial so great is the atmosphere created by the students. CJF understands that he needs to make Saturday football games a large part of the social calendar for VU students and the best way to do that is to spend time around the frats, which as much as the admin may hate it, are still the center of the VU social universe.
I love this move too... too bad the article is incorrect, and he didn't actually spend "a few minutes at each sorority and fraternity." In his defense, visiting each chapter in one night isn't exactly possible, but I still would have loved to see him at Tri Delt! Apparently his talks didn't create much stir since I've only heard about this from you and InsideVandy. I wonder who he did visit...
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