Thursday, March 11, 2010

Should Brad Tinsely Use the SEC Tournament to Recover?

Seamus has an interesting take that I thought we should open up to the floor. He writes: "Unless he is really going to be back to normal in the next day or two, I think it makes sense to hold Tinsley out until the SEC Championship game. Why? Because I'd rather have a 5-seed and three guards at 100% in the Dance than a 3 or 4 seed with no guard depth when we really need it."

I'm not sure I agree, especially with Brad's role coming off the bench. I don't think holding out a player should be done unless absolutely necessary. It disrupts the team's flow and chemistry, two pretty important things this time of year. I don't think Brad should go "Willis Reed" or anything like that, but if he's health enough to play, he should, even if his action is limited.

What do you think?


B.J. Brinkerhoff said...

At this point, I want to win every game from here on out. If that means we can beat Arky or UGa w/out Brad, great. If it means that Brad at 50% needs to play, then play. There's plenty of rest time from Sunday to Thursday, plus days off between games.

Is he important for the NCAAs? Sure he is. But I would rather him help earn a 2 or 3 seed than face a #1 seed in the Sweet 16. Do what it takes to win every game.

Seamus O'Toole said...

My answer to this poll question is: "it depends." Depends on whether he's REALLY ready to go or would be playing at half speed, potentially putting himself at risk for more serious injury. Bobby makes a good point re the chemistry of the team when a guy sits, and I want a 2-3 seed / SEC tourney title as much as B.J. or anyone, but I also think now is not the time to be taking major risks if a guy hasn't fully recovered. That time is the NCAA Tournament.

As for the problem of having to face a #1 seed in the Sweet 16, my response is that none of the top seeds scare me all that much this year (definitely nothing like a Carolina from last year in the pool), and if you're good enough to win you're good enough to win. When we're at full speed and clicking on all cylinders, we're good enough to win...against anyone.

Anonymous said...

Let's say that Brad doesn't play. What happens to the rotation? Does Taylor play some time at the 2, Lance?

What if Beal/Jenkins gets in foul trouble? I mean, we have no guard depth at all..right?

If I remember right, didn't Beal/Jenkins just play basically the whole game after Brad went down?

If you can tell by all the "?'s" I have no idea what's going to happen.

Douglas James said...

Well our worst fears have been realized. UGA won. I'm officially nervous. Real nervous. We basically should be winless against them. Ugh.

Drubaru said...

No. God, no. You play to win the game.

Stanimal said...

F that. I'm not nervous. If anything I think pur boys will relish this matchup. I fully expect victory tonight.