Thursday, March 18, 2010


Since it's basically a mortal lock that everyone who reads the site will pick Vanderbilt, regardless of the spread, we thought it might be more effective to have a "Predictions" thread where you prognosticate on what the final score will be.

I've got Vanderbilt 78 - Murray State 63. What do you think the final will be?


Peter Nygaard said...

Vanderbilt - 71, Murray State - 66.

Anonymous said...

Vandy 84
Murray State 67

Alex said...

Vandy 81, MSU 63

Greg M said...

VU 73
MS 70

Compliments of Pomeroy

Douglas James said...

VU 71, Murray State 68. We get up early in the 2nd half but Murray state makes it interesting at the very end

Anonymous said...

This game will be reminiscent of Vandy's match with Western Michigan in 2004, but not as close.

Final score should be in the high seventies (Vandy) to the high fifties (MSU).

Anonymous said...

Both teams seemed to play tight last week, so VU 66-55. I will swear a lot and have two conniption fits minimum.

Unknown said...

Vandy 75
Murray State 62

Stanimal said...

Vandy 78-Murray 67

Vandy-Montana said...

VU - 79
MS- 55

Anonymous said...

Vandy - 129
MS - bagel

Drubaru said...

Vandy win when MS's last second 3 goes begging at the buzzer. VU 68-67.

My reasoning is this: After the Sienna debacle, Vandy will overcompensate in the respect category to the point that they will actually put MS on such a pedestal that they will not overpower them as much as they should. Result will be a close, hard-fought game. Swagga will carry the day.

Anonymous said...

Vandy - 80
MSU - 62

Anonymous said...

Vanderbilt - 1
"Experts" - 0