This has to come down to Shan v. Price. I ended up voting for Price just because he was so dominant and ended up being the 1st overall selection in the draft.
Argument for Shan was that he stayed all 4 years, went to the postseason all 4 years including 2 NCAA appearances. His senior year he was an All-American. Pretty impressive resume. Maybe I should have voted for him.
PS Anyone who is voting for Jay Cutler has no idea what they are talking about.
Yeah, I have to agree w Doug here. This isn't "Best Professional Athlete from Vanderbilt". I like to think of it more as the player that had the most impact while an active Commodore.
i dont know if anyone has seen this yet but on vanderbilts rivals page it says 4-star recruit James Stone has lowered his list to 3: Auburn, Alabama, and Vanderbilt...apparently his grandmother and mom have gone to every one of his football games and would like to carry on the tradition...since they live right outside Nashville it would be most convient for him to play at Vanderbilt...I'm still hoping
Grey - I saw the same thing. The weird thing is that at points it Stone seemed to have eliminated Vandy only to have us continue to be in there in the long run. My read of the situation is that Stone is hesitant to go to Vandy but that his family loves the academics and the idea of him staying close. Nothing would surprise me and Stone would be a great get. Only 28 days till Signing DAY!!!!!!!!!
Good point, Joe. The most formative Vandy sports memory of mine was predicated by Skuchas' awesomeness. Or have we all forgotten who gave us Matt Walsh's AIM screenname which allowed us to get in his head so much his mommy called the SEC to complain? Foster vote retracted. I throw all my political weight behind Ted Skuchas!
This has to come down to Shan v. Price. I ended up voting for Price just because he was so dominant and ended up being the 1st overall selection in the draft.
Argument for Shan was that he stayed all 4 years, went to the postseason all 4 years including 2 NCAA appearances. His senior year he was an All-American. Pretty impressive resume. Maybe I should have voted for him.
PS Anyone who is voting for Jay Cutler has no idea what they are talking about.
I voted for Freije, but after Douglas James' post, I am switching ny vote to Shan
Yeah, I have to agree w Doug here. This isn't "Best Professional Athlete from Vanderbilt". I like to think of it more as the player that had the most impact while an active Commodore.
Gotta be Shan.
Gotta be
I voted for Cutler simply because he put Vandy football in a position to win and got the fan base excited for the first time in a long time.
Shan. No other answer will suffice.
i dont know if anyone has seen this yet but on vanderbilts rivals page it says 4-star recruit James Stone has lowered his list to 3: Auburn, Alabama, and Vanderbilt...apparently his grandmother and mom have gone to every one of his football games and would like to carry on the tradition...since they live right outside Nashville it would be most convient for him to play at Vanderbilt...I'm still hoping
Grey - I saw the same thing. The weird thing is that at points it Stone seemed to have eliminated Vandy only to have us continue to be in there in the long run. My read of the situation is that Stone is hesitant to go to Vandy but that his family loves the academics and the idea of him staying close. Nothing would surprise me and Stone would be a great get. Only 28 days till Signing DAY!!!!!!!!!
How is Ted Skuchas not on this list?
Good point, Joe. The most formative Vandy sports memory of mine was predicated by Skuchas' awesomeness. Or have we all forgotten who gave us Matt Walsh's AIM screenname which allowed us to get in his head so much his mommy called the SEC to complain? Foster vote retracted. I throw all my political weight behind Ted Skuchas!
Walsh, you suck!
Walsh's screen name was "Walsh has Crabs!"?
Nope. Plasman44
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