Saturday, December 19, 2009

We're Back...

Exams are over and Christmas is upon us. At present, I don't have much to say, but I will be in attendance (with 45 of my closest friends) for today's Vanderbilt v. Tennessee State University game at 3.

I'll be Twittering from Memorial, follow us at


Steve said...

this could be lost by a hurt, lazy, and lost Vandy team. Coach needs to get these guys amped up because we need a big statement game at home to wake these kids up from whatever slumber they are in.

Anonymous said...

I expect to have most of section 2L to myself today.

Bobby O'Shea said...

The problem with a light crowd in the student section is the vile language coming from my mouth won't be drowned out. Mrs. O'Shea in for quite an afternoon

Anonymous said...

does anybody know if you can watch this game online?

Chuck Heston said...

Interested to see how much (and well) AJ will play. Another half-hearted effort will not bode well for the rest of the season.