Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Post-Game Thread after Illinois Loss

Begin ranting...NOW


Andrew Smith said...

1. Beal, who was supposed to be a steadying influence on a young team, has been a disaster. He needs to stop looking for his shot, stop throwing the ball away and start distributing intelligently. He should be doing a 100 pushups -- with AJ sitting on his back -- for every time he takes a contested shot or any shot with more than 10 seconds left on the clock.

2. Tinsley has also been a disaster. It's time to bench him and start Jenkins. The kid will have his growing pains, particularly on defense, where he's looked very bad at times, but he's better when he's off than Tinsley is when he's on. And he's only going to get better.

3. AJ needs to touch the ball at least once every two possessions. Coach needs to track AJ's court time and team possessions during that time. Then he needs to divide that number by two, subtract AJ's touches, multiply that number by 100 and make everyone else do that many pushups -- again with AJ on their back. This team can't win when AJ disappears.

Unknown said...

it's tough to win when jeff jordan is drilling 26 foot threes with a guy in his face and the shot clock at 1. granted, vandy's d was less than stellar, but illinois doesn't shoot nearly 60% from three every day. i'm putting the onus on stallings in this one. there didn't seem to be a coherent game plan. the second hald adjustments were noticable in that we attacked more, but ogilvy didn't get nearly enough touches when we were trying to rally. he should literally touch the ball every time down the floor. the offense needs to run through him.

Anonymous said...

Even game, just couldn't overcome the 9-0 start in the first 3 minutes.

I agree with both you guys.

This game wasn't fun at all.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see this team assert themselves. Yet to see them come out and play like they felt they were the best team on the court and could play against anyone. Call it swagger, call it confidence, call it being cocky I really don't care until we play like we deserve to win every game we are not going to.

Not sure if it's a lack of leadership from Beal, the fact that AJ is not aggressive enough underneath, or just that only a couple of guys are "on" every night and the are never the same ones.

We need to find a way to get confident, and play more like a team. Hopefully, the next few games will be the confidence boost we need. If not, we are going to struggle in SEC play.

Stanimal said...

I actually have to say that Tinsley had a good game tonight. He was the lone bright spot. Conversely, Jenkins didn't play that well until the end of the game, but boy did he play well when he started catching fire.

But anonymous hits the nail on the head that we have yet to have a single game where everyone on the floor plays well. Some of that has to fall on Beal, who is not setting the table for the rest of the team. Taylor was under the weather and didn't play well, that was a huge factor.

It was a disappointing loss, but there's a lot of season left and there's still time for this team to get its act together. It's just obvious that they didn't have the cohesion we were hoping for out of the gate.

Anonymous said...

beal needs someone to run with too many slow pokes

Anonymous said...

I made the comment this morning that this matchup had all the earmarks of Vandy getting behind big early and then struggling to get back in the game the rest of the way. That's exactly what happened, and I guarantee I'm not psychic. This is becoming an unsettling habit; and will really result in devastating losses come conf. time. Absolutely no excuse for AJ to have only 2 pts. w/ 2 minutes left in the 1st half.

Anonymous Unanimous said...

There's a disturbing trend in Vanderbilt Basketball in which the point guard plays well in years 1-3, and then god-awful in his senior year. Consider the careers of our most recent Senior flame-outs, Russell Lakey and Mario Moore. With Lakey, he plateud in his sophomore year, and there were others chomping at the bit. Moore had AIDS (or some such illness no one knew, but made them all uncomfortable). From what I see, unless we're ready to deem Tinsley a "chomping at the bit" point guard (he's clearly not thus far), we have to find a cure for Beale's AIDS. Promote awareness.

Anonymous said...

aj worked pretty hard to get the ball in the second half and got a number of touches, but there were just as many times he was open and didn't get it. and when he gets it and gets doubled the defense needs to pay. we have to many shooters AND slashers not to succeed when he gets doubled.
also, i'm not sure i see the point in beal pushing the ball off of misses and especially on makes. i don't think the fast pace favors us as i'm not sure we got any easy baskets off it. i still like the press because i think we're athletic enough to pull if off and it definitely gave illinois some trouble.

Anonymous said...

the point did his job of distributing but they weren't connecting and neither was he everytime no fault of his illinois was hot vandy not they hit it all and vandy didn't this is a team lost coaches included.

Stanimal said...

My only concern with the press is that we don't run it effectively enough to force turnovers. I agree that we're athletic enough to be able to do it, but for the number of times we run it I'd be interested to see how many times it results in a steal.

Anonymous said...

Agree. There is no way this team cracks the rankings again before SEC play. And frankly the way we've played "ranked," I'm glad. Not sure why being ranked doesn't get us fired up, but it doesn't.

Unknown said...

To be clear I enjoyed zero minutes of this game. Having said that, maybe this was the reality check we need. Yes illinois shot lights out, but we asked for that with atrocious defense early on that let them heat up to an ungodly level, and our offense was as stagnant as ever. Somehow we need to create for Taylor b/c he just can't seem to do it himself at this point and was a ghost out there tonight. I'm going to leave off the Beal topic at this point b/c I think I've said enough on that and tonight spoke for itself, and I will say that Tinsley really did all we can ask of him, he's not athletic enough to do more and that's really just the way it is unfortunately. I guess silver lining is we got to see what jenkins could be and maybe he gained some confidence? Kind of sad that Ive been watching the Dores long enough to accurately predict how this game would go in a post yesterday, but I guess we are who we thought we were. The sky isn't falling but Stallings needs to really shake things up or Friday is gunna be just as devoid of fun as tonight was.

Unknown said...

cut jenkins loose...the kid is going to be scary good. when he got hot i'm pretty sure he didn't come within inches of the rim on all sides. i feel like he's playing conservative because he doesn't want to step on anyone's toes. let him stomp on brad's toes til they're purple. he showed flashes of the swagger this team desperately needs, but it looks like he's afraid of losing minutes if he let's it all hang out.

Stanimal said...

Past two games have certainly felt that way Colin. Can't disagree with you there.

We keep hoping for rebound performances, but perhaps we should take a step back for a second. We aren't going to magically wake up one day and play to perfection. Improvement takes time. Each one of the guys on the floor has flaws, and we haven't gotten to a point where our team play is good enough to overcome those flaws. No individual player is responsible for the overall performance of the group. While I certainly had hoped for a better performance out of the group as a whole tonight, and I thought that, despite our inconsistencies, we could come out of this one with a win, we really didn't show anything against DePaul to indicate that we were playing at a level to win a game like this on the road. It truly is, as Stallings has said, like plugging a dam. Just when you think you have one thing fixed, another leak breaks out.

I guess my point is that, while the team's current play is frustrating, it is also not our best product. I know that it's easy to single out particular players for their mishaps, but the group hasn't become comfortable enough playing as a unit. It's clear that will take some time, but that's the beauty of college basketball: you have the early non-conference schedule to work out the kinks. We WILL work out the kinks. But you might not see them worked out right away.

Stanimal said...

And yes, I agree that one solution would be to get Jenkins much more involved. He's a threat to score, no doubt about it. But Jenkins not getting open looks is a result of the team not running a well-oiled, consistent offense. Vanderbilt's struggles on the other end of the floor were a result of doing a bad job of help defense. This team wins as a team, and loses as a team. Our ceiling is high, and we're nowhere close to it right now.

VandyGold28 said...

i'm just embarassed and angry.....

Anonymous said...

Whenever an opposing team shoots 65% from the floor, it's next to impossible to stop them. Sure, some of those were uncontested, but most weren't. When a team is able to run the shot clock down to under 5 and hit 3's consistently as Illinois did, it's over. People have overlooked the bright spots, Tinsley, Jenkins and, yes, Beal from a shooting perspective.

Unknown said...

Let's not forget: in spite of Illinois' unbelievable shooting performance, we we were never really out of this game. in the second half, we cut it to 49-42 and didn't make a field goal for SEVEN MINUTES. SEVEN. I think we had 3 or 4 possessions at least to cut it down to less than 7 and just didn't get anything to fall. That's my biggest concern, really. We can't go huge stretches of the game and just forget how to make a basket.

Anything but Gatorade said...

I disagree with Nikhil. I don't think Vandy was ever going to get that gap to close because, in the second half, even if the Dores could put two or three scoring possessions together, they did not come anywhere close to stopping the Illini on defense. Not once. Whether it was an open shooter from a corner or just failing to stop a driving guard, the Dores didn't defend.

When the opponent is lighting it up like Illinois was last night, there are about three things you can do to avoid losing the game: get more physical and aggressive on D (which VU sort of did in the second half when it was too late), get a lot more efficient on offense (meh in this game for sure), and rebound, rebound, rebound. Vandy didn't do it last night, and that's why they lost.

With respect to the players, A.J. simply has to get more touches. You get your best player the ball on every possession or you risk losing. Jenkins was ice cold for most of the game until it was a little too late, and I'd like to see his role expand from just a spot up shooter. Tinsley played hard, but if he's the point guard option when Beal's on the bench, the Dores are in trouble. Beal played okay, but he needs to stay within himself. Walker played well, and Taylor played pretty well too if he could manage to beat a double team every time he got the ball. He's got to step up on D, too. Tchiengang played pretty well, I though also.

Tough loss.

McLean said...

I say we start Tinsley, Jenkins, Taylor, Walker and Tchiengang next game and see what happens. I love the way Tchiengang is playing right now (that rejection last night was awesome), and Tinsley looked good last night, playing within himself. Jenkins was on fire towards the end, ala #32.

Unknown said...

The biggest issue I continue to see with AJ is these nights where he plays like such a panzy. I don't know what it is, but the guy will follow a double double with such a lackluster effort that it leaves you scratching your head. You could hear it in Stllings' voice after the game. He doesn't know what to about it either. Somehow, someway, or someone needs to light a fire under his ass to get him going. If he played balls out every night and was the presence down low that he has the potential to be (and is a lot of the nights)so many of our offensive problems go away: lanes would open up for JT, JJ gets open shots, etc. Stallings said Aj "had no energy." How the hell do you not have "energy" when you get to go into someone else's gym, have their student body hurl insults at you all night, and then get the chance to silence them with your play?! Until AJ shows up on a consistent basis, we can't be sure what team is going to follow him onto the court at tipoff.

VandyGold28 said...

well, no matter who start these next few games we should win. if we don't enter the florida game at 12-2 this season is a disappointment. this team should not be challenged by wku, tsu, mtsu, mercer, manhattan or any of the likes. i think i left out one team, not sure who it is. if we lose to any of these teams, especially considering they are all at home, i'll be sick.

Owen said...

i feel like AJ decides how he's going to play after about 5 minutes of playing. if there is a lot of pressure on him under the basket, it's almost like he folds up and just says screw it, let the other guys make it happen. i'll just deal with being double teamed all night. i won't rebound either.

Unknown said...

I agree. He does a great job of taking advantage of players who he should abuse, often making a 20 pt night look effortless. But as soon as the other team has a formidable post presence, like you said, he kind of just shuts down. TWO points and six boards at St. Mary's is unacceptable for an all SEC 5-Man. AJ can have a 10 pt and 5 reb night with his eyes closed. With effort, he can average an double-double no problem.

However, I don't mean to sound too "doom and gloom." The sky is the limit with this team and AJ is a good player who can be great if he just develops the killer instinct that Stallings embodies. Lets hope the Big Aussie gets the message sometime soon (maybe bring Corey Smith into practice to bang around with him. Or just show him the replay of Smith tackling Balkman and punching him in the back of the head- my personal all time favorite moment as a Dores fan)

Anything but Gatorade said...

I like A.J. and think he's really talented, but I also agree that there are nights where it seems like he doesn't show up. He's a junior this year, right? How much more coaching and teaching should Stallings have to do for this kid?

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