Monday, March 16, 2009

Cutler Formally Asks to be Traded

UPDATE: The AP is reporting that Jay did not show at the Broncos first team meeting.

The Denver Post is reporting that, through his agent Bus Cook, Jay Culter has asked for a trade. Chris Mortensen's got a recap on also worth a read. And as always, Peter King's Monday Morning Quarterback on is destination reading. Deadspin's got a great recap of the Cutler saga.

In a related story, is reporting that the Detroit Lions would be better off by-passing Matt Stafford in favor of Jay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I have all this straight. He got p.o.-d because there were trade rumors about him. So now he WANTS a trade. The exact thing he was pi$$ed about to begin with.

Am I missing something here?

And by the way, american idol still blows.