Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Vanderbilt Hotline

While my attempts at humor often fall short, I will make no such attempts today. I am sure I speak for everyone at VSL, when I say our hearts go out to everyone in the Virginia Tech community in light of yesterday's events. I know many of VSL's readers have direct or indirect connections to Virginia Tech, and all I can say is that we are thinking about you all today. When anything like this happens, everyone, particularly people fresh out of college who can "relate" to what life is like on a college campus, is taken aback. While we appear to finally be getting information about "what happened," it certainly doesn't make the outcome any more palatable. I'm sure people have opinions, thoughts, well wishes they want to express. If you want to do that here, please feel free. Originally, I was thinking to write this opener and then delve into Vanderbilt sports. I have now decided against that. Later today (or perhaps tomorrow) we will get back to Vanderbilt sports, in the meantime our attention, and that of the rest of the country I suspect, will be focused on Blacksburg.


Seamus O'Toole said...

To give any sense of the magnitude of this tragedy, I heard about it from a Tanzanian on the street in Dar es Salaam when he found out I come from Virginia. VSL's thoughts are with Hokie Nation.

Diezba said...

Wow: Tanzania. This truly was a global event.

For VSL readers who'd like to think a little more deeply about what happened yesterday, you're welcome to read (and comment) on some Reflections I had about the murders.

Anonymous said...

To watch on TV and see everyone standing outside of lane stadium dressed in their Hokie gear is truly heartbreaking. For they are not going to a game, they are going to mourn the death of their classmates. I have a twin brother who attends VA Tech and i have been to more tech games then Vandy in the past too years...I hope we all remember that this could happen anywhere. Today when someone asks me who ya with? I will respond Hokies!